
Archive for November, 2008

The Road

I finished reading “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy today.  It took me several days as I only had a brief lunchtime in which to read it on the days I could.  When I first saw it, it looked like it might be fairly interesting but I didn’t pursue it.  Then I saw that there was a movie being made of it starring one of my favourite actors, Viggo Mortensen.  I saw a couple of photos from the movie and it looked like it might be worth reading after all.

It’s a depressing book, I have to say, but the style in which it’s written and the hope that you share with the man and boy that there might be something better, kept me reading.  At the end I had tears in my eyes and not many books at all can evoke such emotion in me.  I recommend it – it’s a fairly quick read.

The other book I’m currently reading is the thicker and longer “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett.  While I’m finding it interesting I’m also finding it harder to read – there is some torture and callousness in it which I don’t like reading at all.  Being a thicker volume too it won’t fit into my bag to read in my lunchtime at work.  So it sits most of the time until I have the courage to read more.

I’ve been reading a lot of fiction lately.  I used to read more non-fiction than fiction but I must be in the mood for ‘lighter’ material (if you can call cruel and depressing ‘lighter’).

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