
Archive for January, 2007

The last straw

Well I didn’t sleep well last night and I had a stomach ache.  B didn’t sleep well either but we both turned up to work, a struggle as it was. 

I had applied for Monday off, considering N is allowed time off at the drop of a hat.  I was shocked and angry when the boss said she may have to deny the application and her reason?  “In case N doesn’t show up on Monday.”  (He often takes sick days.)  Was this my problem? I asked myself.  Are you, therefore, denying me any Monday off, following this ridiculous ‘logic’.  I was so upset and was ready to walk out.

Word must have got around and the boss let me have Monday off and then invited B and I to afternoon tea for “a break”.  I heard later from another manager, that it was suggested she sort out any problems with us and find out what’s going on.  But the boss said nothing – she shouted us a drink and just chatted aimlessly.  She didn’t have the guts to bring up any problems.  She’s a nice woman but she’s a totally useless manager.

I’m still ready to leave.

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Mood: pissed off

I am currently seriously pissed off at work.  We’ve been short-staffed for some time and last week even more so as one of our workers, N, plus the boss, took 2 days off, leaving just B and I to hold the fort.  There is a backlog of work and it’s quite stressful.  Now, after trying to catch up with some of it and returning the office, we find out that N applied for and was approved, tomorrow off and the boss herself swans off early.  B and I are fuming.  We’ve had a guts full of working on our own when there is obviously so much to do.  2inC is away, ill, and she would be furious as well, I’m sure.

B and I are ready to quit, if only we had another job to go to…

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I found it in Tauranga.  Three glorious days of sun and sand.  My friend’s house is lovely, complete with swimming pool (although small) and spa pool.  What more could you ask for.  So relaxation by the pool with friend, gin and tonic in hand, or in spa, wine in hand – oh yes.  Just what I needed.  I got a great tan on the beaches – we went to a different one each day at Mt Maunganui, their local one, five minutes away near Matua, and Waihi Beach and Orokawa Bay.  Just beautiful.  Matakana Island looked heavenly with its white sands and forested shores.

I would include photos, but despite uploading them, they just don’t appear when I want to insert them, which is really really annoying when others seem able to include photos.

So, after three days of bliss I headed back to reality and average weather.  We have had some sun, but mostly when I’m stuck inside at work.  This holiday weekend is just awful though – warm enough but wet and windy.  Just not inspiring at all.  I had great plans for this summer – cleaning out the garage, tidying up the garden, but who wants to do that when it’s wet all the time?

Nothing happening generally.  We’re seriously understaffed at work.  A left work in November and those at the top have ONLY JUST approved the vacancy – ie, we’re now allowed to advertise the position.  God knows when the powers that be actually get around to doing that.  Meanwhile the workers are fed up and all wanting to leave.  It’s now a race to see who can escape next.

The power has been cut off, without warning.  They neve notify mere users anymore, oh no.  Just cut off your power suddenly without any notification or indication how long it might be for.  As I’m on the laptop and the battery is running low, I have to leave.

Back later, for another installment of my seemingly tedious life.

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Happy New Year!

I hope you all have a good one.  Ours has started off rather quietly and the weather thus far has been wintery.  Unbelievable that on the 1st and 2nd of January (which are usually scorchers) we shivered beside heaters while it rained miserably outside.  The worst summer in my memory.

The wedding I went to was the cheapest I’ve ever been to.  I had mislaid the invitation so obviously missed out on vital information, the main one of which was it was Casual.  Blunder number one – I was over-dressed.  I appeared at the rose garden for the ceremony and immediately regretted the high heels and makeup and naturally this was commented on by those who know me and usually see me without makeup or high heels.  Sigh.  The ceremony was very simple with just the bride (in white) and groom (casually dressed in long black shirt and pants).  One song on the CD player as the bride walked in from the other side of the rose garden.  The weather held (it threatened rain) and the bride and groom gave their vows, courtesy of Dr Seuss.  The rings had been left in the car, so rings were borrowed.  All very strange.

We were given maps for the after ‘function’.  Blunder number 2.  I knew it was a barbecue but I did (stupidly) imagine that the food would be provided.  No, it was a bring your own and I hadn’t.  So, got there (someone’s house in the middle of nowhere) and there was enough meat to share.  However, I had no drinks and was not willing to bludge some off someone else.  This was New Year’s eve, remember, and I couldn’t envisage staying another five hours waiting til midnight.  (Oh, blunder number 3 – I had a gift for the wedding couple – no-one else had).  We sat outside, but it got colder and colder.  The bride wanted people to stay until midnight and “party”, but considering many of the people were older members of family and there was no music at all, most people had left by 8.30pm.  I followed, after we were encouraged to go inside.  I took the opportunity to bid farewell and head home to my daughters and boyfriends who were playing a board game and enjoying themselves.  Yes – time for a beer or wine (or both) and so began the evening proper.

Can’t say I enjoyed the wedding.  If you’re going to have one and you plan for it months ahead, surely you can save a bit for packets of meat to feed the guests, provide music or some entertainment to keep them there for hours…..  I guess everyone has different ideas and I guess the main thing was that they shared their day with friends and family.

I am about to head off to Tauranga in my daughter’s car.  I just hope that one doesn’t break down on me.  It’s a six hour drive.  I also hope I find some sun over there.  If not there, then it won’t be anywhere.  The sun is out but fighting for space with the clouds and it’s decidedly cool.  It feels more like autumn than summer.  The weather is “fucked” to put it bluntly.

All the best all.  I shall be back next week.

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