
Posts Tagged ‘photography on the road’

It was a challenge.  I had no idea what I might be taking a photo of from day to day.  At times it was a struggle to find something.  I lacked inspiration and motivation and just couldn’t ‘see’.  Some days I took several photos and had to choose one (or two).  Other days I felt desperate and only managed one or two and was not happy with the result.  It’s also difficult to see beyond the daily routine when all you seem to do is to drive to work and back.

What I found most frustrating was that I’d see something I wanted to photograph while driving but there was nowhere to stop.  I can see such scenes in my head, such as mist on the hills or the sun highlighting a particularly attractive scene or a cool cloud formation.  It’s my greatest bugbear when travelling.  There are very few places to stop to take photos or just take a rest.  Rest areas are few and far between and where they are placed are uninspiring.  One of them, on the Desert Road in National Park is right beside the magnificent view of the volcanoes, but – BUT, perversely they have placed the rest area in front of a hill which obscures the view.  Absolutely ridiculous.  The other rest area in the region is in a valley with no views at all.  There is only one rest area with a view of the mountain and there are power lines…  Anyway, enough of my mini-rant.

Despite my lack of inspiration, I am taking the brave step of trying this out for a whole year.  I’ve created a separate blog for it so followers don’t have to put up with any interspersed ravings.  It will be a greater challenge as we head into winter (and winters here aren’t pretty) which will be cold, damp and dark and during which I tend to get depressed.

Wish me luck!

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